
Showing posts from August, 2024

How to Deal with Financial Infidelity: Next Steps and Solutions

Discovering financial infidelity can be devastating. In this post, I’ll walk you through some immediate steps to take, along with longer term actions you can consider for your own safety and wellbeing. Immediate Steps to Take When you first discover financial infidelity, it’s easy to react emotionally. Before you blow up, take a moment to […] Source from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

14 Signs of Financial Infidelity (and what to do if you suspect your partner is guilty)

Financial infidelity is terrible. Luckily there are some telltale signs which you can pinpoint so that you can confirm your suspicions early on.  Identifying these signs isn’t a guarantee that your partner is betraying you financially (some of these signs could be due to innocent reasons) but it’s important to know these to protect yourself […] Source from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Can You Sue Your Spouse for Financial Infidelity?

Quick answer: Most often, no, But you can make a legal case for yourself if you are choosing to divorce your spouse for financial infidelity.  Financial infidelity is grounds for divorce in “at fault” states and also in a no-fault divorce. In this post I’ll walk you through the different grounds on how you can […] Source from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Financial Infidelity Examples (8 real life stories from my podcast)

Financial infidelity—when one partner hides financial information, engages in secret transactions, or lies about money—can be as devastating as any other form of betrayal. In this post, I’ll share real-life examples from my podcast where couples have faced the harsh realities of financial infidelity. Through their stories, you’ll learn the signs to watch for and […] Source from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Debt Consolidation (what to consider + real life stories included)

In this article, we’ll dive into how debt consolidation works, the pros and cons, and real-life examples of when it’s a smart move—and when it’s not. What is debt consolidation? Simply put, debt consolidation combines all of the debt you owe into a single payment with a lower monthly interest rate. This typically works by […] Source from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

How to Get Out of Debt Fast (4 easy steps + real life stories)

Whether you're battling credit cards or student loans, I'll show you how to pay off your debt fast with the 5-step system from my NYT best-selling book. Source from I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Nationwide Noncompete Ban Falters Amid FTC Court Battles

A few short weeks before the U.S. government’s ban on noncompete clauses in workplace contracts was set to take effect, a federal judge in a Texas court blocked it. The judge quickly reversed the initial mix of excitement and controversy that rippled across many industries in April when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted to make noncompetes unenforceable in most cases . Now, employees, HR departments and business leaders are having a bit of whiplash trying to determine what just happened and where the FTC noncompete ban is headed next. For those who aren’t part of the 30 million Americans bound by one, a noncompete is a clause in an employment contract preventing employees and freelancers from working for competing companies. Sometimes, this is only during their current employment with their original employer, but other times, it spans many years after they have stopped working there. Judge Ada Brown of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas decided that t...

The Battle for the American Dream Starts With Fighting Your Money Demons

Recent data from a 2024 ABC News/Ipsos poll shows 79% of young Americans believe the American dream is dead. There is a destructive cycle of stress and anxiety around money, leaving many trapped in a mindset of scarcity and hopelessness for a better financial outcome. Inflation over the last four years has increased by 30% – 40% percent in some sectors, and most salaries can’t keep pace. With the average mortgage interest rate hovering between 6% – 8%, home ownership, a quintessential mark of the American dream in years past, feels largely out of reach for many young Americans. Add to that increasing debt and decreasing retirement savings, and suddenly, and without prevail, the money demons—the underlying voice of the subconscious—are actively tormenting the minds of young Americans with thoughts of never having enough. Here’s how we can address these issues. Identifying your money demons Money holds power because we assign it value. It can create jealousy, resentment, anger, mistru...

How to Build Thriving Friendships When You Crave Tons of Alone Time

Ever wonder why you prefer to stay at home cozying up with a good book while others are enjoying a lively night out on the town? You may be an introvert and/or highly sensitive. More than half of the United States population is introverted and about 30% of the global population are more sensitive than average . While introversion involves one’s orientation toward people, sensitivity is about how someone relates to their environment, according to Andre SĂłlo, co-creator of Sensitive Refuge and co-author of Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast,Too-Much World . Highly sensitive individuals pick up more information from their surroundings, both emotionally and physically. They will more easily feel other people’s emotions and get overstimulated in a loud and chaotic environment. Those who are introverted and sensitive tend to do better with fewer people and a lot of alone time. While having these traits can be beneficial, like being creative and e...

Overcome Procrastination With the Life-Changing Power of Optimism

Putting off stressful tasks might seem comforting. It can feel good in the moment to procrastinate instead of doing something you don’t particularly want to do. However, the downside is that you can miss out on opportunities for growth, preventing you from moving ahead in life. Whether it’s a chronic habit or an occasional coping mechanism, procrastination happens for different reasons. Sometimes, people procrastinate simply because they are assuming a negative outcome.  “Your emotional default mode can be positive or negative, but that determines your outlook and how you’ll react to your life circumstances,” says Clarissa Silva, behavioral scientist and founder of C Silva Solutions, LLC. New insights from a study by the University of Tokyo show that having a positive outlook can be key to overcoming procrastination. After surveying almost 300 people, researchers noticed a pattern. Participants with a positive view about their stress levels decreasing in the future were less like...

Housesitting, Pet-Sitting and Work Exchange Programs Help People Travel on a Budget

It’s no surprise that the cost of travel is rising. A report from travel insurance provider Squaremouth found that travelers planned to spend nearly $10,000 on average for their 2024 summer travels. This number, attributed to both the rising cost of travel and inflation, reflects an increase of 7% over 2023 summer travel spending and 14% over that of 2022. To combat exorbitant airfare prices and other rising travel costs, travelers are learning how to travel on a budget when visiting other cities and countries. That’s where platforms like TrustedHousesitters, HomeExchange, Workaway and Worldpackers come in. These companies offer ways for people to travel while providing housesitting or pet-sitting services or doing other work in exchange for a free place to stay.  The post-COVID rise of digital nomads has also contributed to these programs’ popularity. Those who are looking to travel and work remotely can have their housing covered while providing housesitting or pet-sitting se...

How to Survive Financial Infidelity

Have you ever hidden a purchase from a partner or had your partner hide one from you? If so, you or your partner may have engaged in financial infidelity. A 2024 Bankrate survey found that it isn’t uncommon—42% of married or partnered U.S. adults have kept a financial secret from their significant other. Financial experts answer five of the most pressing questions about financial infidelity below. 1. What is financial infidelity? The circumstances that qualify as financial infidelity differ because each partnership has different understandings and agreements about money . In one relationship, each partner may have spending money they can use without consulting the other. While in another, the expectation may be to consult each other for every purchase.  An action is considered financial infidelity when one partner intentionally deceives the other or lies through omission. That intention is important, says Jillian Knight , a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes...

The Hidden Cost of Ignoring Menstrual Health at Work

More and more workplaces are implementing free and readily accessible menstrual products in washrooms, though lately, there may be greater hesitation from those who usually reach for tampons. A recent study published in Environment International went viral on social media after it found that a selection of tampons from several widely available tampon brands contained measurable concentrations of potentially dangerous metals. No one wants to hear that the products they’ve been using for several days each month contain arsenic, lead and other harmful metals. It’s no wonder that many have indicated an immediate desire to stop using tampons, expressing outrage at the study’s findings—but it’s important to read the fine print. Should we be reconsidering tampon use based on this study? “Women are already historically neglected when it comes to medical care … We know that the history of biomedical research has a long history of misogyny… [The study] really kind of exploits that systemic ...

Struggling With Sleep? These Hotels Can Help

When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? The CDC recommends that adults between ages 18 and 60 get at least seven hours of sleep per night. However, a 2022 Gallup survey found that one in three American adults don’t get enough sleep.  James Maas, Ph.D., a psychologist and sleep researcher, says that sleep quality is the most important determinant in predicting longevity. He adds that a lack of sleep “causes lowered immunity to disease, reduced concentration [and] critical and creative thinking, lowered productivity, poorer quality of work and even reduced athletic performance.” The growing trend of sleep tourism The tourism industry has picked up on this, with hotels curating services to help increase the quality and quantity of sleep for their guests. Sleep tourism involves a range of services and amenities designed to help travelers achieve better sleep. These can include specialized beds, soundproof rooms and sleep-inducing spa treatments. A 2024 survey by Skys...

Why Sabbaticals Are Essential Breaks That Foster Personal and Professional Growth

A sabbatical , which means a break from regular duties, is becoming increasingly recognized for its profound benefits in workplaces. In the United States, the concept is mostly associated with academia, but its relevance has surged in recent times as burnout, mental health and the need for work-life balance dominate workplace discussions. This extended leave can last anywhere from weeks, months or even a year, offering employees a chance to recharge, pursue personal interests or engage in professional development well outside their typical roles.  Let’s explore the benefits and value of taking a sabbatical, as well as the potential challenges, and learn how corporations and employees alike can make the most of this time away. Personal growth and well-being One of the primary benefits of a sabbatical is the opportunity for personal growth and well-being. “In our culture, many people’s identity is wrapped up in their job. It is healthy to take a step back from work, enjoy life an...

The Power of Collective Action in Promoting Children’s Education

In a world where education remains a cornerstone of progress and development, Pencils of Promise (PoP) , a New York-based nonprofit organization, is removing children’s barriers to quality education. Many believe this is the foundational pathway to future opportunities and success. “Education means a lot of things. It is not just reading, writing and competencies of academia,” says Kailee Scales . Scales is the CEO of Pencils of Promise and a longtime advocate of equity in educational opportunities. “It’s understanding how to take care of yourself, how to take care of each other and what you mean as you exist in the world.” Pencils of Promise focuses on those elements by working hand in hand with governments and community leaders in places like Ghana, Guatemala and Laos to address the educational needs of children in some of the most rural and overlooked communities—ones that are off the beaten path and far from urban areas. “And we make sure that those students have all the things ...

Nurture Your Well-Being at Home: A Telehealth Roundup

Staying up to date on health care appointments is an important part of work-life balance . When you’re emotionally and physically in tune, your career productivity naturally improves. It’s a positive sign that 64% of employers intend to enhance their health and well-being offerings in 2024, according to Mercer . As companies up their investments, telehealth platforms have taken center stage. Whether it’s a quick prescription refill, a physician follow-up, or an urgent care appointment, telehealth meetings allow you to swap crowded, germy waiting rooms with convenient, affordable care from the comfort of your own home. As for mental health, at-home telehealth sessions offer appealing advantages over in-person visits. Licensed mental health counselor and psychotherapist Steve Alexander Jr. , ARM, LMHC, LPC, says he’s noticed more people requesting remote-only options. “Who is to say that a therapist’s office isn’t triggering for a client (i.e., lighting, choice of colors, art work)?” A...