Why Working at a Cemetery Was the Best Career Move I Ever Made
It’s easy to feel like every job you take needs to somehow advance your career in a meaningful, direct way, but there’s something to be said for the “weird job.” You know the one. The type of job that leaves you with a thousand good stories and inspires just as many follow-up questions. According to career and leadership coach Phoebe Gavin, “In a competitive job market, most candidates have the right experience, answer interview questions well and check the necessary boxes. So standing out—being memorable—is the real challenge. A quirky or unconventional job can give you a unique edge that sticks in the hiring team’s memory, so embrace that.” I’ve seen the impact of this firsthand with my own “weird job” working at a local cemetery. No one forgets the girl who worked at the cemetery The summer before I left for college, I took a job at a Catholic cemetery, despite the fact that I was neither Catholic nor particularly interested in a career...