Do ‘Lazy Girl Jobs’ Indicate a Need for Flexibility in the Workplace?
In May, a 26-year-old TikToker lit up the internet by coining the newest workplace phrase: “lazy girl jobs.” “A lazy girl job is something that you can basically quiet quit … there are lots of jobs out there where you can make 60-80K, so like pretty comfortable salaries, and not do that much work, and be remote,” says Gabrielle Judge, the influencer behind the viral TikTok term and trend and who’s known as the “Anti Work Girlboss.” She now has nearly 156,000 followers and 3 million likes on her TikTok. Here’s what a “lazy girl job” is, and what experts think about the trend. What is a ‘lazy girl job’? Judge gives a few examples of jobs that lend themselves to this—marketing associates, account managers or customer success managers. She further defines them as: “Safe”—Judge elaborates on this as not having to stay out late at night or be otherwise inconvenienced. Flexible—“It takes the pressure off childcare as a whole,” Judge explains. Specifically, she notes they shouldn’t have...