Vishen Lakhiani Wants You to Live Better by Feeling Better
Vishen Lakhiani is a man on a mission. The 47-year-old Malaysian entrepreneur and bestselling author is certain he has found the way for every one of us to live our best life. He’s written multiple popular self-help books , with his latest being The 6 Phase Meditation Method , but he insists that understanding how to meditate is just one small element of a larger education system that he’s designed (along with other wellness experts) to “reimagine the human experience.” As the founder and CEO of , a website described as a powerful and effective “life transformation platform,” Lakhiani’s goal is to help others make their way to a mental and physical place that allows them to be happier, healthier and more productive. The site is chockablock with a community of people with the same vision—like-minded and successful individuals who all believe in the world Lakhiani began visualizing when he was in his 20s and has since manifested into personal and professional growth and ...