The Importance of Self-Forgiveness
If you’ve ever done something you regretted (and come on, who hasn’t?), you’re not alone. In fact, you are in the company of… hmmm… let’s see… how many people are there on the planet? The reality is that we all do stupid or selfish things at times. I know I do. Like the time I forgot about the side mirrors on my car while reversing out of a parking lot. Or when I turned up for a Broadway show at 7 o’clock only to discover I’d booked a matinee. Or the time I dropped my kids at school on a teacher in-service day (my kids were not happy). And that’s just for starters. I’ve also made flippant comments that have caused offense and lacked the guts to confront an awkward issue only to pay a steep price down the line. I could go on, but you get the gist. It’s why I’ve thought so much about the importance of self-forgiveness—extending mercy to ourselves when we slip up, mess up and fail to live up to our own ideals. Of course, I am operating on the assumption that you’ve also made a f...