Want to Make Money Doing What You Love? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions
Can people really make money doing what they love? It depends on whom you ask. Some people say, “Absolutely!” Others say, “It’s unrealistic.” And some say the better question is, “What’s the best way to make a profit by meeting a specific need in the marketplace?” Except why do you have to settle for either/or—passion or profit—when you could go for both/and? Going for both allows you to say, “Yes, I can make money doing what I love” and “Yes, I can make a profit by meeting a real need in the marketplace.” Before you make the bold move to embrace a both/and mindset though, you need to ask yourself the most important question: What kind work would I love? Here are four questions you can ask yourself to get unstuck and to find work that fits your passions: 1. What are your thats? There are two types of powerful “that” questions to determine your work love language. The first is an internal question. Think of the times you’ve said, I’d really like to do that! What are those “thats...