
Showing posts from April, 2022

How to Get More Out of the Great Resignation

How to Get More During the Great Resignation The Great Resignation, as it’s become known, has been a wake-up call for employers and a shift in consciousness among workers. During the pandemic, employees realized that they were no longer willing to accept certain circumstances in their job, leading many to quit resulting in a shortage of labor. One of the primary reasons behind the Great Resignation was low wages, with many workers quitting simply because they were underpaid and often overworked. To ascertain how many workers have become focused on getting paid more, how they plan to achieve that, and how raises and ways of obtaining them differ among certain demographics, we conducted a survey of 1,003 employees throughout the U.S. Read on to learn how our respondents felt about being underpaid in today’s work landscape. Key Findings 54% of employees believed they are underpaid due to inflation. 65% of those who asked for two or more raises in the last year received them—incre...

It’s an employee’s market right now. Here’s how to make the most of it.

Less than two years ago, I was giving advice on finding a job in an employer’s market .  I said to shift your mindset from that of a job seeker to that of a Top Performer. Don’t try to just land a job. Show the company why they’d be lucky to have you. You want to evaluate the company in the same way they’re evaluating you.  In an employer’s market, you might feel that you’re at a disadvantage because there are so many other people competing for the same job.  Don’t!  Rather than think of yourself as one of hundreds of applicants to a job, instead think of yourself as the BEST applicant for a job. You need to show the company why you’re the best candidate for the job … and why they’d be lucky to have you. (I show you how in my Find Your Dream Job program.)  Can I tell you the secret?  That advice is the same even in an employee’s market!  The difference: in an employee’s market, you’re in a better position to negotiate. Here’s what to do :...

10 Collaboration Tools to Bring Your Next Great Idea to Life

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”  Those are the words of Halford E. Luccock, a prominent professor at Yale Divinity School. It’s nice, but it boils down to another, prettier way of saying collaboration is key . And it is. Anyone can appreciate the work of a solo violinist, but no one can compete with the overwhelming, moving power of a full orchestra. On your own—whether you’re involved in entrepreneurial ventures or simply working your way up the corporate ladder —you’re that solo violinist: talented, passionate, impressive. But to do something that truly makes a mark on the world, you’re probably going to need the full band.  And when you have that full orchestra assembled, you’re going to need a way to collaborate with them. That was true a few years ago, but now, in the age of COVID-19 and remote work—which saw the use of collaboration tools increase by 44 percent in just two years—it’s never been more important to have reliable ...

Finding Your Voice: Advocating and Negotiating for Yourself as a Woman in the Workplace

One of my favorite peers is a woman who has, for the life of her career, been on the CEO trajectory. She is confident, smart, caring and amazingly driven. No matter the setbacks life has thrown her way, she has achieved incredible success and earned respect and admiration from everyone she’s worked with.  She called me one afternoon to share good news: the path to becoming CEO was opening up in front of her. She knew that soon, she’d be on the short list for the most powerful position at the company. It was the moment she had been working toward her entire life. She had a crucial meeting coming up where she would have the opportunity to put her hat in the ring. To my shock, I heard hesitation in her voice. When I asked her what was going on, she said simply, “I don’t know, Candace. I’m not sure that I’m ready for this!”  I couldn’t believe it. If there was one person in the world who was ready for advancement, it was her. But in that moment, she was crippled with self-doubt...

How to Find the Right Accountant for You

Starting your own business can be an exciting adventure full of possibilities. Although some of the things you do to keep your business running are interesting, the day-to-day tasks like bookkeeping and business strategy are often not very exciting. However, the realization that you have to figure out all of the financial details for yourself can be overwhelming, and you might start looking around for help. Most of us know that having an accountant or certified public accountant is a great idea—not only is someone helping you manage cash flow, make strategic decisions and prepare your taxes, but you also have a sounding board to help you work through issues as they arise. It’s essential to do your research and ask the right questions to know that the person you’re working with has the skills and certifications needed to keep your business running smoothly.  Listen to this week’s episode of the rich & REGULAR podcast and keep reading for things to consider as you search fo...

The Power of ‘Red Threads’ and Discovering Activities You Can Get Lost In

Before you do something, love feels like instinctively wanting to do it. While you are doing something, love feels different. It feels like time speeding up . Have you ever noticed how this feeling called “love” does something strange to this reality called “time?” How, when you are in love with someone, time seems to both speed up and slow down, depending on whether you’re in the presence of the one you love? Before you’re with your lover, time drags and slouches, and each moment stretches out to its very limit. You can’t wait, but time makes you wait, and wait and wait some more, as it slowly inches its way up the ever-steepening hill. Then, finally, you and your lover are together. Time meets you on the summit… and immediately throws itself off, dashing, rushing, rolling down the hill, picking up speed, the hours turning into minutes, the minutes into seconds, the seconds vanishing and you look up at the clock and your time is up. Your whole day together speeds by in what seems...

How (and Why) to Get Out of Your Own Way as a Leader

This week on the SUCCESS Line we discuss how listeners can get out of their own way when it comes to leading a business. I’m joined by Todd Foster, who’s served as a coach/consultant for the past nine years. Our conversation focused on four overall areas: how to hire for strengths and weaknesses, using behavioral assessments, how to avoid burnout and how to grow organizations. Let’s dig in.  How to exhibit better hiring behaviors Does it make more sense to put time and effort into shoring up your weaknesses, or should you instead focus on your strengths? Foster and I agree that leaders should leverage their time and energy on areas of strength. Even if you can improve on your weaknesses, you’ll likely just raise them to a mediocre level. The team as a whole can achieve a lot more if you focus on finding and hiring people who are skilled in areas in which you yourself are lacking. Foster and I also reviewed the difference between a manager and a leader, something fundamental y...

If You Want to Change Your Life, Change What You Think

I sometimes think of life as a battlefield—albeit a metaphorical one. Can anyone deny that bloodless battles rage around us every day, often fought against familiar enemies that loom from the past? The causes of these everyday battle wounds vary: a bitter divorce, the loss of a loved one, financial problems, unemployment, health issues—and the list goes on and on. However, one thing is certain; these emotional casualties sustained on the battlefield of everyday life can be devastating to your long-term well-being. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and crushed by a negative situation, and to give up before you give yourself a significant chance to rebound. It’s at these times that you are at your most vulnerable; your emotional warning system is on red alert and you can easily enter the negative zone where it seems like the entire world is against you. That’s when the launching of fearful, destructive thoughts begins, like a salvo of rockets aimed at nothing in particular. It’s at thes...

How I Use My Journal to Change My Mindset

My journal used to be exactly what you probably picture when you think of a preteen writing in her diary. Pink and floral, it was sealed with a cheap gold lock and a key I kept around my neck. And, if you were to jimmy it open, you would find exactly what you would expect: uneventful days recounted in meticulous detail, confessions of first crushes and frustrations with parents and siblings. Journaling is a habit that has stuck with me over the last two decades, but it has evolved significantly. Although I wouldn’t say I’m above the occasional emotional rant, my journal has actually become a tool in my life and my business. As an adult, I’ve been able to use my journal to make adjustments to my mindset and ultimately change the way I behave and the outcome of my days. Why I keep a journal As a teen, writing in my journal was a way for me to test out theories about myself and the world around me. It was a safe space for me to explore how I felt and what that meant about who I was. ...